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I’ve setup a test account for PayPal Payflow Pro, but I’m having authentication issues. Unless i’m using cURL, the api returns “User authentication failed”. I am sure I’m passing the same information as I’ve copied and pasted from the working cURL to PostMan and .net. Am trying to replicate an example API call from:

I’d appreciatie any help with this.

cURL Example

Postman failure:

Postman failure

.Net failure:

enter image description here



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    In case anyone wants to see exactly how I changed Postman and .net to work. Thanks again to Preston PHX!


    .Net Code:

    private string GetSecureToken(string amount, string trxtype)
    var secure = new SecureTokenRequest(true)
        PARTNER = PartnerId,
        VENDOR = VendorId,
        USER = User,
        PWD = Password,
        AMT = amount,
        TRXTYPE = trxtype
        //CREATESECURETOKEN is set by boolean in SecureTokenRequest constructor
        //SECURETOKENID is set in SecureTokenRequest constructor using new Guid to string
    var client = new RestClient(Uri);
    var request = new RestRequest(Method.POST);
    var parameterDict = new Dictionary<string,string>()
        {nameof(secure.PARTNER), secure.PARTNER},
        {nameof(secure.VENDOR), secure.VENDOR},
        {nameof(secure.USER), secure.USER},
        {nameof(secure.PWD), secure.PWD},
        {nameof(secure.TRXTYPE), secure.TRXTYPE},
        {nameof(secure.AMT), secure.AMT},
        {nameof(secure.CREATESECURETOKEN), secure.CREATESECURETOKEN},
        {nameof(secure.SECURETOKENID), secure.SECURETOKENID},
    var parameterList = parameterDict.Select(kvp
        => $"{kvp.Key}={kvp.Value}").ToList();
    var postBody = string.Join("&", parameterList);
    request.AddParameter("text", postBody, ParameterType.RequestBody);
    var response = client.Execute(request);
    var responseContent = response.IsSuccessful
        ? response.Content
        : $"{response.StatusCode} : {response.ErrorMessage}";
    return responseContent;

  2. Are there any special characters in your password?

    Try using length tags for your NVP parameters:

    Also make sure the SecureTokenID is unique in every request

    Also don’t think you should be URL encoding values for Payflow

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