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My problem is that I have an empty page at /usr/share/phpmyadmin/index.php. apache2 is working (i.e. I get its default page at localhost). PHP is working; I get the phpinfo page at localhost/phpinfo.php after creating that stub page). If I run "php index.php" on the phpmyadmin, it doesn’t give any obvious errors (as far as I can tell; I’m not an expert on any of this). If I move that phpinfo page into the phpmyadmin directory and rename it index.php, I can see it fine, so apache2 seems to be serving pages from that directory correctly. But I only see a blank page when I use the normal phpmyadmin/index.php. Also, if I try to see the code in the browser window, it’s blank also.

How I got here: I have a RasPi running Raspian. I wanted to use it to stream music, and I found this program called "Koel" that looked interesting. To use it, you’re supposed to install apache, php, something called composer, and a few other things. So,everything was going swimmingly until I reached a point where Koel said it needed php > 8, where as 7.4 is the default for Raspian. So I installed php 8.2, and got apache to use it (confirmed in phpinfo). So then I installed and tried to access phpmyadmin so I could create user/db for Koel, but it complained that I needed mysqli (but at least I saw some output from phpmyadmin. Installed that, and that error went away, but I still had a blank page. Ran "php index.php" and did see some errors at first, relating to www-data not having access to and another file (forget the name), so I made both of those accessible, and then the error messages for "php index.php" went away, but I still only get a blank page. Thought this might have something more to do with permissions, so I’ve been experimenting with changing the owner/permissions on the phpmyadmin files, but no luck. Lastly, the MariaDB seems to be correct, as far as I know. It’s got a DB called phpmyadmin, and I can log into it with user phpmyadmin/password. Seems like it should work. Anyone have any ideas? I’d appreciate it. Thanks.

EDIT: based on suggestion below, I checked the apache2 log, and I get this error at the end:

[Thu Apr 20 17:22:39.405474 2023] [php:error] [pid 10602] [client] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function SymfonyComponentConfigctype_alpha() in /usr/share/php/Symfony/Component/Config/FileLocator.php:83nStack trace:n#0 /usr/share/php/Symfony/Component/Config/FileLocator.php(42): SymfonyComponentConfigFileLocator->isAbsolutePath()n#1 /usr/share/php/Symfony/Component/DependencyInjection/Loader/YamlFileLoader.php(120): SymfonyComponentConfigFileLocator->locate()n#2 /usr/share/phpmyadmin/libraries/ SymfonyComponentDependencyInjectionLoaderYamlFileLoader->load()n#3 /usr/share/phpmyadmin/index.php(23): require_once(‘…’)n#4 {main}n thrown in /usr/share/php/Symfony/Component/Config/FileLocator.php on line 83

I’m not sure what that all means, but I THINK that this ctype_alpha is something that is missing from 8.2. I never did test phpmyadmin with 7.4 before moving to 8.2, so I rolled back and – sure enough – it works fine with 7.4. So I think the 8.2 version is messed up.

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