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I am using plesk for my server management. Yesterday server restarted automatically due to some updated . When my server turned on , it stops to process laravel queues . I run this command on my Laravel-project-root-directory to restart queues manually.
command : nohup php artisan queue:work --daemon &
Can i found a way to automatically run this command on my server on server restart. I am new to plesk & laravel queues.



  1. you need to use supervisor for let the queue running in background on server

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  2. If you can’t run supervisor, you could also use sansdaemon as a solution (

    once you’ve installed that, you can add a statement to the console/Kernel.php file:

    $schedule->command('queue:work --sansdaemon')->everyMinute()->withoutOverlapping();

    all should be working then the moment cron picks up again.

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