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I have setup my plesk website to automatically pull changes from a remote repository to a certain path of the webserver via post-hooks as described here.

However my repository contains a git submodule and I need to run the custom command git submodule update --remote as well. How can I tell plesk to do that. The commands I can enter in the

Enable Additional Deployment Actions

Setting seem not to be executed in the correct path. Also when I go to the path the repository syncs to on my server i get:

fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git

How can I achive to tell plesk to update submodules too with the git plugin?



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    In my case it was two problems. It was a setting for a subdomain, where the folderstructure is different in plesk.

    First I had to set the "Additional Deployment Action" to

    # find the correct git folders / repositorys by ssh-ing onto your server
    git --git-dir=/var/www/vhosts/ --work-tree=/var/www/vhosts/ submodule update --init --recursive

    The second problem was that the submodule was placed on github, so I had to add the specific subdomain ssh-key to github. It can be found in.


    even for the subdomain. Hope that helps someone else.

  2. Check if you are in the right folder (as I show here)

    Then check your environment variables (seen here): GIT_DIR or GIT_WORK_TREE, as set by Plex, to make sure they are not interfering.

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  3. For me Niklas answer did not work unless I did a cd into the worktree directory. You can add this to the git command itself (using -C). Also I have added a sync command, in case the submodules origin changes:

    git --git-dir=/git/repo_name.git --work-tree=. -C /httpdocs/website submodule sync --recursive
    git --git-dir=/git/repo_name.git --work-tree=. -C /httpdocs/website submodule update --init --recursive

    I want to also note, that using variables did not work for me, I had to use absolute path for both commands.

    Note: My hoster is, maybe that is a specific issue on their side, but I guess it is relevant for all plesk installations.

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  4. Although it’s been a while here my two cents.
    I’m glad the given answers where pointing me in the right direction, however I still had to struggle with this quite some time.

    Here is my summary:

    Using submodules in Plesk

    • repos to be integrated as submodules must not be privat
    • Don’t ssh ! To integrate an external repo we must use https protocol: git submodule add – see
    • the ${HOME} user (see code below) is used to authorize against github, so his key pair needs to be generated and the public key must be stored at Github
    • ssh into your account using the ${HOME} users name and password. In Plesk the ${HOME} user is the owner of the subscription or belongs to.
    • to generate a key pair do:
    ssh-keygen -t rsa
    • key pairs are automatically stored under the users home directory: ${HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa and ${HOME}/.ssh/
    • copy the generated public key over to Github


    (under "Additional deployment actions")

    git --git-dir=${HOME}/git/example.repo.git --work-tree=. submodule update --init &> ~/logs/git/example.repo.log
    git --git-dir=${HOME}/git/example.repo.git --work-tree=. checkout master &>> ~/logs/git/example.repo.log
    git --git-dir=${HOME}/git/example.repo.git --work-tree=. pull origin master &>> ~/logs/git/example.repo.log
    git --git-dir=${HOME}/git/example.repo.git --work-tree=. submodule update --init --recursive &>> ~/logs/git/example.repo.log
    git commit -am "submodule updated $(date)"

    or the short way

    git --git-dir=${HOME}/git/example.repo.git --work-tree=. submodule foreach 'git submodule update --init;git checkout master;git pull origin master;git submodule update --init --recursive;' &> ~/logs/git/example.repo.log
    git commit -am "submodule updated $(date)"

    Explanation: we must use --git-dir and --work-tree here because of Plesks folder structure. Normally .git files are located within the main repository folder. Here these files are in its own git folder:

        -- git
           -- example.repo.git
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