I have no problem with labeling second table ("jtable"), but how I can make the same with first one ("table")? Because I haven’t any allowed methods to do this.
async def get_join_table(
db: AsyncSession,
table: PostSQL | VoteSQL | UserSQL,
jtable: PostSQL | VoteSQL | UserSQL,
limit: int = None,
offset: int = None,
contains: str = "",
query = (
select(table, func.count(jtable.post_id).label("votes"))
.join(jtable, table.id == jtable.post_id, isouter=True)
response = await db.execute(query)
posts = response.mappings().all()
return posts
I would like to rename POSTSQL to POST1 in answer like in this sql script:
posts as POSTS1,
count(votes.post_id) as VOTE
left outer join votes ON votes.post_id = posts.id
group by posts.id;
Answer that I want to modify:
"PostSQL": {
"content": "GRAND",
"title": "misery",
"created_at": "2024-01-27T10:48:35.975442",
"id": 22,
"published": true,
"owner_id": 4,
"owner": {
"email": "[email protected]",
"id": 4,
"created_at": "2024-01-20T12:44:36.365265"
"votes": 0
You can use
for columns not for full tables/models.Since
is a column in request that will be formed for db all works.You can
any column of table, for exampletable.id.label("first_table_id")
If you alias the model in your query using orm.aliased (guide),
will use the name of the alias as the key, for example this code aliases aUser
class toMyUser
:and generates this output