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I have a SQL query:

select max(date) 
    from index_constituents 
    where (opening_closing ='O' 
        and index_code ='buk350n' 
        and issuer = 'cboe') and date = '2024-04-25';
id date issuer index_code opening_closing
1393 2024-04-25 cboe buk350n O
1394 2024-04-25 cboe buk350n O

When I run the same query but for the day before, I get:

select max(date) 
    from index_constituents 
    where (opening_closing ='O' 
        and index_code ='buk350n' 
        and issuer = 'cboe') and date = '2024-04-24';

 id    |   date        |  issuer |  index_code   | opening_closing
 -     |  -            | -       | -             | -
1402   |   2024-04-24  |   cboe  |   buk350n     |   O

When I run

select max(date) 
    from index_constituents 
    where (opening_closing ='O' 
        and index_code ='buk350n' 
        and issuer = 'cboe') and date = '2024-04-23';


So I want to return 2024-04-23

i.e. I want to find the most recent date BEFORE A GIVEN DATE where there is no data when I run my query



  1. It’s working properly. May be you’re confusing about columns data type or values:

    CREATE TABLE index_constituents (id int, date date, issuer varchar(10),
      index_code varchar(255), opening_closing varchar(20));
    INSERT INTO index_constituents VALUES
      (1393, '2024-04-25', 'cboe', 'buk350n', 'O'),
      (1394, '2024-04-25', 'cboe', 'buk350n', 'O'),
      (1395, '2024-03-25', 'cboe', 'buk350n', 'O'),
      (1402, '2024-04-24', 'cboe', 'buk350n', 'O');
    select max(date)
        from index_constituents 
        where (opening_closing = 'O'
            and index_code ='buk350n' 
            and issuer = 'cboe'); 

    For check output :

    Please check your column date & opening_closing data_type.
    date column maybe varchar and opening_closing may be boolean.

    Please check the table description:

    SELECT * 
      FROM information_schema.columns 
      WHERE table_name = 'index_constituents';
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  2. If you need to find latest date with no record after existing record’s date then you can use 1st query:

    "date"-1 latest_unfound_record
    "date" - LEAD(date) OVER (ORDER BY date desc) date_difference_in_days,
    from index_constituents
    ) as temp
    where date_difference_in_days>1
    order by date desc
    LIMIT 1;

    If you need to find latest date before today with no records then use this second query:

    next_date-1 latest
    "date" - COALESCE (LEAD(date) OVER (ORDER BY date), CURRENT_DATE) date_difference_in_days,
    COALESCE (LEAD(date) OVER (ORDER BY date), CURRENT_DATE) AS next_date , 
    from index_constituents where date <= CURRENT_DATE
    ) as temp
    where date_difference_in_days<-1
    order by date desc
    LIMIT 1;
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  3. with dates as (
        select date, date - lag(date, 1, date - 2) over (order by date) as gap
        from index_constituents 
        where opening_closing ='O' and index_code ='buk350n' and issuer = 'cboe'
        -- and date <= <start date> -- if you want to begin the search on a specific date
        group by date
        max(case when gap > 1 then date end) - 1 as GapBeforeLatestAvailableDate,
        --, case when <start date> - max(date) > 1
        --     then <start date> - 1
        --     else max(case when gap > 1 then date end) - 1 end as GapBeforeSpecificDate
    from dates;

    This gets a list of distinct dates where the criteria are met. Each date is compared to the next earliest on the list to compute the gap starting with whatever is the latest date found. You want to find the day before the latest date where there’s a gap larger than one.

    If no such gap exists within the data it will be treated as though occurring on the day before the earliest date found. If there are no rows meeting the criteria at all then no date is returned either.

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