I am trying to insert Pydantic list to Postgres DB using SQlAlchemy but can’t figure out how to make it in a correct way.
Here is my code:
class Material(Base):
__tablename__ = 'materials'
sap_code = Column(String, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
sap_name = Column(String, nullable=False)
coating = Column(String, nullable=True)
hs_code = Column(String, nullable=True)
quantity = Column(String, nullable=True)
esavdo_code = Column(String, nullable=True)
esavdo_name = Column(String, nullable=True)
series = Column(String, nullable=True)
class MaterialBase(BaseModel):
sap_code: str
sap_name: str
coating: Optional[str]
hs_code: Optional[str]
quantity: Optional[str]
esavdo_code: Optional[str]
esavdo_name: Optional[str]
series: Optional[str]
class MaterialsList(BaseModel):
Items: List[MaterialBase]
class Config:
orm_mode = True
Insert function
@router.post('/update-db', status_code=status.HTTP_200_OK, response_model=schemas.MaterialBase)
async def add_new_materials(payload: schemas.MaterialBase, db: Session = Depends(get_db)):
return payload
Payload template
"Items": [
"sap_code": "String",
"sap_name": "String",
"coating": "String",
"hs_code": "String",
"quantity": "String",
"esavdo_code": "String",
"esavdo_name": "String",
"series": "String"
"sap_code": "String",
"sap_name": "String",
"coating": "String",
"hs_code": "String",
"quantity": "String",
"esavdo_code": "String",
"esavdo_name": "String",
"series": "String"
"detail": [
"loc": [
"msg": "field required",
"type": "value_error.missing"
"loc": [
"msg": "field required",
"type": "value_error.missing"
I understand that that my schema and DB model are not matching so I have tried to parse payload manually but had mapping issues.
I came up with this piece of code:
Instead of bulk insert I decided to add one by one for the sake of simplicity and it will not effect the performance in my case
It would be better to use raw queries for bulk inserting.