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It isn’t really a problem but I’m seeking some new understanding in React.useState(). The program below runs as expected however I am not sure if it’s the correct way for performing my task.
Task is to use React.useState(0) to add and subtract and display the changes in the web browser.

function App(){
    const [myValue , setmyValue] = React.useState(0);
    function addValue(value){
        value = value + 1;
                return value;
    function subValue(value){
        value = value - 1;
                 return value;
    function handleAdd(){
        //setmyValue( myValue + 1);
    function handleSub(){
        setmyValue(myValue - 1);
    return (
            <button onClick={handleAdd}>+</button>
            <button onClick={handleSub}>-</button>
ReactDOM.render(<App/>, document.getElementById("part1"));

Any advice if passing the value myValue directly to thesetValue() function is correct or passing another function is the correct way.



  1. The way you’re using useState is fine but you can simplify this code quite a lot as per below:

    function App(){
        const [myValue , setmyValue] = React.useState(0);
        return (
                <button onClick={() => setmyValue(myValue++)}>+</button>
                <button onClick={() => setmyValue(myValue--)}>-</button>
    ReactDOM.render(<App/>, document.getElementById("part1"));

    In answer to your question as a whole throug, for simple flows pass the value but if you need to do complex functions use a function.

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  2. Você está usando correto, mas acho que poderia simplificar mais, desse modo.

    import React, { useState } from 'react';
    const App = () => {
      const [myValue, setMyValue] = useState(0);
      const handleAdd = () => {
        setMyValue(prevValue => prevValue + 1);
      const handleSub = () => {
        setMyValue(prevValue => prevValue - 1);
      return (
          <button onClick={handleAdd}>+</button>
          <button onClick={handleSub}>-</button>
    export default App;
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