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After upgrading my Heroku Redis add-on to v6.2.3 from v4, Heroku papertrail logs display this error: Error accepting a client connection: error:1408F10B:SSL routines:ssl3_get_record:wrong version number
I am connecting to Redis using NodeJs and the bull npm package ( I found similar questions related to this error, along with Heroku documentation, and based on that I have set my bull redis options to the following:

redis: {
    host: redisURL.hostname,
    port: Number(redisURL.port),
    password: redisURL.password,
    tls: {
      rejectUnauthorized: false,

Note the tls parameter. I have set it to Heroku’s recommendations here:

After getting stuck for a while, I attempted to simply comment out any client code that connects to Redis, delete the add-on, and re-provision the add-on. I expected to see no redis logs in papertrail when I did this, but I still see the same error, even when no code that connects to redis is being run… This leads me to believe maybe it’s a setting on the actual Redis add-on instance, rather than an issue with my code, but I am at a loss.


I logged into the redis:cli and did some investigation. client list reveals 2 client connections. 1 is the instance of the redis:cli I am running in my terminal, and another is the a client with a flag that means "the client is a replica node connection to this instance" (see What is interesting is the error that is being logged in papertrail shows the file descriptor for the client connection that is having the SSL error fd=12, while the 2 clients shown in client list have the file descriptors fd=10 and fd=11. So there must be another client connection with fd=12 that isn’t appearing in client list command causing the error shown above.



  1. Ran into the same problem. In addition to rejectUnauthorized: false, adding requestCert: true, solved it for me. In addition, some clients need agent: false, (but the version of Bull I’m using doesn’t recognise that argument)

      redis: {
        host: redisURL.hostname,
        port: Number(redisURL.port),
        password: redisURL.password,
        tls: {
          rejectUnauthorized: false,
          requestCert: true,
          // agent: false, (not all clients accept this)
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  2. Jasper Kennis’ answer is correct. Adding tls: {rejectUnauthorized: false} fixed this issue for me. Unfortunately, Heroku only gives you a full REDIS_URL connection string, so you need to parse the password/host/port yourself (you can’t specify both a URL and tls settings). Here’s my BullModule.forRoot() config object if it helps:

    redis: {
        password: process.env.REDIS_URL.split('@')[0].split(':')[2],
        host: process.env.REDIS_URL.split('@')[1].split(':')[0],
        port: parseInt(process.env.REDIS_URL.split('@')[1].split(':')[1]),
        tls: { rejectUnauthorized: false },

    @nestjs/bull: 0.6.0,
    Heroku redis: 6.2.3

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