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Using the Python ShopifyAPI library, version 12.3.0 I want to delete a specific product option.

def remove_product_option(self, product_id):
product = self.get_product_by_id(product_id)
option_name = self.config[‘option_to_delete’]

    for i, option in enumerate(product.options):
        if == option_name:

This code is not working. There are no error messages, but the returns false. What can be the problem, and how can I fix it?


It appears like you cannot delete a product option if it has values. The solution would be to manually delete the option using the Online Store, because as far as I could find there is no way to do this with the API.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    It appears like you cannot delete a product option if it has values. The solution would be to manually delete the option using the Online Store, because as far as I could find there is no way to do this with the API.

  2. Apparently there is a way to do this with the API. The issue is you can’t just delete the option if there will be resulting duplicate variants. For example:

    Color, Size, Pattern

    White, medium, striped

    White, medium, solid

    You can’t delete Pattern as it would result in 2 variants with the same values White, medium. You have to manually delete one of the variants first, before deleting the "Pattern" option. I hope that makes sense. Once there are no duplicates that would be created, you can delete the option.

    Shopify’s answer in their community:

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