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On the collection page, the size options in the filter are displayed chaotically, roughly like this:


And I need to organize it like:


And I have an idea. I create an array with these sizes, but in the correct order. Like this:

{% assign sizes_order_array = 'XS-Size,S-Size,M-Size,L-Size' | upcase | split: "," %}

And I just want to map each option in the if condition, inside the for loop. It goes like this:

{% for filter in collection.filters %}
      {% for filter_value in filter.values %}
         {% capture option_item %}
            <li>...any option size code</li>
         {% endcapture %}
         {% assign filter_value_label = filter_value.label | upcase %}
         {% for size in sizes_order_array %}                                 
            {% if filter_value_label == size %}
               {{ option_item }}
            {% endif %}
         {% endfor %}
      {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

I put the li tag itself with the option body in capture. And this code still displays the options in the same order as:


Why is this happening? I’m doing an {% if filter_value_label == size %} ... {% endif %} check.

What is the error, please tell me!



  1. 1.Access your Shopify Admin: Log in to your Shopify store’s admin panel.

    2.Go to Products: From your Shopify admin, navigate to Products > All products.

    3.Select a Product: Click on the product that you want to edit.

    4.Edit Variants: Scroll down to the Variants section and click on "Edit options" for the variant you want to reorder.

    5.Adjust Variant Order: Shopify allows you to manually reorder variants by dragging and dropping them into the desired order. Click and hold the "handle" icon (three horizontal lines) next to a variant, then drag it to the desired position in the list.

    6.Save Changes: After rearranging the variants, click "Save" to apply the changes.

    7.Preview and Test: It’s a good idea to preview your changes on your storefront to ensure that the size options are displayed in the correct order.

    8.Repeat if Necessary: If you have multiple products with variants that need to be reordered, repeat the above steps for each product.

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  2. By calling the shopify all product API take product id and one by variant id and variant title and write case,

    like if title is ‘XS-Size

    than call shopify product Variants BulkReorder API with that product id, variant id and position

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