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I wanted it to be automatically copied after sending this message when clicking on context.user_data["code"] So I used “ and parse_mode="MarkdownV2"

    text= f"{context.user_data['key']}nnCode:  `{context.user_data['code']}`nnMod:  {context.user_data['mod']}nnby: @{update.effective_user.username}",

But if username of the user has _ like: @Jason_99, I get the following error. how to fix it?
telegram.error.BadRequest: Can't parse entities: can't find end of italic entity at byte offset 53

I tried to apply pars_mode to only part of the text. But I don’t know if it is possible or not. I did not find a way



  1. You’ll need to clean the username so there are no un-closed markdown entries.

    I’d replace _ with - like so:

    clean_username = update.effective_user.username.replace('_', '-')

    And then use it in your message:

    text= f"{context.user_data['key']}nnCode:  `{context.user_data['code']}`nnMod:  {context.user_data['mod']}nnby: @{clean_username}"

    The proper way to include a link to a user is to make a markdown link to the user ID:

    text=f"Hello user [user-a](tg://user?id=1234)"
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  2. In Addition to 0stone0’s answer let me add, that python-telegram-bot comes with built-in functionality to escape text for markup processing: escape_markdown. That way you can use

    clean_username = escape_markdown(update.effective_user.username, version=2)

    which has two benefits:

    • the username is not displayed in an altered way, but in the original form
    • you don’t have to manuall replace all characters that need escaping (it’s more than just underscores)

    Disclaimer: I’m currently the maintainer of python-telegram-bot

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