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I’m using twitter-bootstrap on my page and I have a video background. It looks like this . When user scrolls down, the black section starts to appear and first its opacity is set to 0, but when user continue scrolling – it changes to 1 when he reach end of this section. I want to change that, so the section will have the opacity set to 1 when it fully appears on the screen, so the user will see the black background of this component when it’s fully visible on the page.
So this is not good: , but something like this one is:
I tried to go with:


but it didn’t work. Can you help me with that?



  1. How about checking the scrollTop against the height of the video container? Something like this:

        $(".move").toggle($(this).scrollTop() === 0);
        var videoHeight = $('.video-container2 video').height();
        var scrollTop = $('body').scrollTop();
        var opacity = scrollTop >= videoHeight ? 1 : 0;

    Hope this helps

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  2. Here is some code that changes the opacity as the user scrolls down, starting from opacity 0 at the top of the document, and becoming opacity 1 when they reach the element:

    $("#black").css("opacity",1 -($("#black").offset().top - $("body").scrollTop()) / $("#black").offset().top);

    It works by comparing the black element’s position on the page against the current scroll value. For additional performance, you could cache the jQuery selectors and the call to .offset.


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  3. You can divide the scrollTop of body by the height of the video to get the transition you’re looking for

    var videoHeight = $('.video-container2 video').height();
    var scrollTop = $('body').scrollTop();
    var opacity = scrollTop / videoHeight;
    $("#black").css("opacity", opacity);
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