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I’m using a button with bootstrap, something like:

<a href="" ng-click="controller.refresh()" class="btn btn-default glyphicon glyphicon-repeat bootstrap-refresh"></a>

I want to disable the style change when the button is hovered or click. I figured I could do this by overriding btn-default:focus or btn:focus but I also have other <a> tags styled as buttons that I would like to keep the effects of click or focus. Is there a way that I could just override the standard bootstrap css in just this case?



  1. add an id to this particular

    <a href="" ng-click="controller.refresh()" class="btn btn-default glyphicon glyphicon-repeat bootstrap-refresh" id="overrideBS"></a>

    then add this css

    #overrideBS:focus {
       //whatever unique properties you want
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  2. Add your own class myclass, then set myclass:focus with whatever changes your need adding !important at the end of the overridden value.

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