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I haven’t touched my Ionic projects in around 1-2 months.

All my projects were running perfectly then.

I go to try run them today and every single one of them is saying

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/Users/jakelewis/Desktop/fifteen-project-e/ios/App/Pods/Target Support 
Files/Pods-App/Pods-App.debug.xcconfig: unable to open file (in target "App" in project "App")

They were all running perfectly. I haven’t updated Xcode yet to the latest because it’s still in the process of downloading. What would cause this issue?

It’s a nightmare.

Somethings I tried, removing the ios folder and npx cap add ios

Even went on GitHub and went to rollback versions I knew that ran perfectly on IOS before.

I am using capacitor on most of my projects.

This did not fix the issue.



  1. try this:

    • Close XCode
    • open a terminal, go to the project and execute
      pod install inside your app folder (where Podfile is located)
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    1. close XCode
    2. run ionic capacitor copy ios to build it.
    3. run pod reintegrate and pod install (navigate to where the pod file is located first, ex: cd ios/App and then run "pod install" command)
    4. open XCode again use ionic capacitor open ios command

    This work for me

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