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Is it possible to detect which hand chirality that executed a gesture?

For example,

    TapGesture(count: 2)
            .onEnded { value in
                // if left hand
                    // do something
                // if right hand
                    // do something



  1. I do not think SwiftUI offers that information as of visionOS 1.1. You’ll need to use ARKit’s hand tracking APIs if you want to know which hand is gesturing. It will be a substantial amount of work. Start with the ARKit in visionOS documentation and check out the HandTrackingProvider class.

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  2. With VisionOS 2 it will be possible using Compositor-Services


    struct ParticlePlayground: View {
        @State var model = ParticlesModel()
        var body: some View {
            Canvas { context, size in
                for particle in model.particles {
                    context.fill(Path(ellipseIn: particle.frame),
                                 with: .color(particle.color))
                    .onChanged { events in
                        for event in events {
                            if event.phase == .active { //or chirality
                                // Update particle emitters.
                                model.emitters[] = ParticlesModel.Emitter(
                                    location: event.location
                            } else {
                                // Remove emitters when no longer active.
                                model.emitters[] = nil
                    .onEnded { events in
                        for event in events {
                            // Remove emitters when no longer active.
                            model.emitters[] = nil
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