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I have SVG code which i got from the layer of photoshop. i want to add background image in that svg curve. Please help me how can i add image or background.

.Shape_1 {
    background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0);
    box-shadow: -7.314px -6.82px 30px 0px rgba(1, 80, 50, 0.28);
    position: absolute;
    left: -15px;
    top: 83px;
    width: 592px;
    height: 779px;
    z-index: 7;
<svg xmlns="" 
  xmlns:xlink="" width="651px" height="838px">
      <filter filterUnits="userSpaceOnUse" id="Filter_0" x="0px" y="0px" 
          width="651px" height="838px">
      <feOffset in="SourceAlpha" dx="-7.314" dy="-6.82" />
      <feGaussianBlur result="blurOut" stdDeviation="5.477" />
      <feFlood flood-color="rgb(1, 80, 50)" result="floodOut" />
      <feComposite operator="atop" in="floodOut" in2="blurOut" />
      <feFuncA type="linear" slope="0.28" />
      <feMergeNode />
      <feMergeNode in="SourceGraphic" />
    <g filter="url(#Filter_0)">
      <path fill-rule="evenodd" fill="rgb(0, 0, 0)"
      d="M325.482,36.000 C325.482,36.000 251.567,261.626 539.526,431.976 
      C604.104,470.179 726.372,630.863 483.087,815.000 L36.000,815.000 
        L36.000,38.776 L325.482,36.000 Z" />



  1. Just insert an image element between defs and g.
    Here is an example:

    <image xlink:href="" height="100%" width="100%"/>

    See the full spec for image elements here

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  2. You can use the path as a clipping path for an image.

     <clipPath id="clip">
                d="M325.482,36.000 C325.482,36.000 251.567,261.626
                   539.526,431.976C604.104,470.179 726.372,630.863 483.087,815.000
                   L36.000,815.000L36.000,38.776 L325.482,36.000 Z" />

    Next you need an <image> element. You may clip the image with the clipping path id="clip":

    <image xlink:href="whatever.jpg" clip-path="url(#clip)"/>

    Here is an example:

    <svg xmlns="" 
        xmlns:xlink="" width="651px" height="838px">
            <filter filterUnits="userSpaceOnUse" id="Filter_0" x="0px" y="0px" 
                width="651px" height="838px">
            <feOffset in="SourceAlpha" dx="-7.314" dy="-6.82" />
            <feGaussianBlur result="blurOut" stdDeviation="5.477" />
            <feFlood flood-color="rgb(1, 80, 50)" result="floodOut" />
            <feComposite operator="atop" in="floodOut" in2="blurOut" />
            <feFuncA type="linear" slope="0.28" />
            <feMergeNode />
            <feMergeNode in="SourceGraphic" />
          <clipPath id="clip">
            d="M325.482,36.000 C325.482,36.000 251.567,261.626 539.526,431.976 
            C604.104,470.179 726.372,630.863 483.087,815.000 L36.000,815.000 
             L36.000,38.776 L325.482,36.000 Z" />
            <g filter="url(#Filter_0)">
         <image xlink:href="" clip-path="url(#clip)"/>  
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