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I’m working on a news feed and I faced the following:
I want to clear all items under the avatar, so there is no wrapped text or anything below.

This image shows the issue:

I want it to be like this (made it with Photoshop):

The code:

.news .news-item .avatar {
  background-image: url("");
  width: 55px;
  height: 55px;
  background-size: cover;
  float: right;
  margin-left: 15px;
  display: block;

JSFiddle (see full screen for better view):




  1. DEMO

    Add margin

    margin-right: 70px;


    or add padding

    padding-right: 70px;

    or use transform

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  2. Without altering the structure of the HTML, one way to achieve that is to add a margin on the meta content div with CSS. Like so:

    div.meta { margin-right: 75px; }

    That will move everything to the left. Just make the margin larger than your avatar image width and there won’t be any wrapping.

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  3. Giving the avatar and the h2 element the property display: inline-block will do the trick, also set an width for the h2 element.

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  4. You can use a table, put the avatar in one column and your other contents in second column, like this:

    <div class="news" dir="rtl">
        <div class="news-item">
                    <td style="vertical-align: top;">
                        <div class="avatar"></div>
                        <div class="meta">
                            <h1>اطلاق تطبيق مسنجر بلاك بيري رسميًا إلى أندرويد وiOS7</h1>
                            <h2>لندن - "القدس" - كشف مصدر من شركة اتصالات اميركية أن الطلب المسبق على هاتف "أبل" الجديد "آيفون 5 سي" ليس "هائلاً" كما أن حجم المعروض منه ومن النسخة الأعلى سعراً جاء مخيباً للآمال. كشفت "أبل" الأسبوع الماضي النقاب عن أحدث طرازين...</h2>
                            <img src="" alt="Apple news" />
                            <div class="zakzeks-share">
                                <div class="number"><i class="flaticon-social19"></i>عدد الزقزقات 17</div>
    </div> <!-- End of news -->
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  5. If it is about dealing with float, then the overflow:hidden; rule is fine.

    It shows element where float elements are standing as much inside than aside and earlier in the flow of the document.

    .meta {

    It’s about layout 🙂
    So does trigger it as well : display:table/inline-block/flex and so does float.

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