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SOLVED by P. Leger:
In my CSS I simply added/changed the vertical-align to top.
This worked for me

I am developing a simple schedule where the admin can manage users and add users to a specific date.

I want the ‘+’ icon at the top of <td> inside a <table>.
Because if there are 3 people planned in on Monday and there are 2 people planned in on thuesday, the icons will be outlined by each other.

This is how it is right now:
You see the red line is straight if there are an equally number of values in a table

You see the red line is straight if there are an equally number of values in a table

This is how I want it (photoshopped):
enter image description here

The red lines are in all rows straight.
The red lines are just an indication on how I want it to be (because in real they aren’t there of course).

My code right now inside the <td></td>:

echo '<a href="../rooster/add_rooster.php?week='.$weekrow.'&day='.$day.'&daynmb='.$day_numb.'"><img src="../rooster/images/add.png" width="15" align="left" class="imgtable"></a><br/>

And the class imgtable:

.imgtable {

I tried every position and float. But I just need something that the image is fixed inside the table.

Currently I am just using a simple image, but I prefer using a font awesome icon.

I hope that you will understand my question.
Thanks for reading



  1. Just position the icon absolutely and make sure the cell (, or whatever the icon’s parent is) is positioned relatively. Then you can position the icon with left/right, and top/bottom.

    <td style="position relative...">
         <img src="..." style="position: absolute; left: 5px; top: 5px">

    that should position them all in the same spot relative to their parent (the table cell).


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  2. There is no float: top.

    float: left | right | none | inherit

    I think, you don’t want the <a ...><img src=... /></a> fixed, but at the top of <td>. Therefore you have to access the <table> id or class. And from there the <td>. And set vertical-align: top.


    <table id="myTable">


    #myTable td {
        vertical-align: top;


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