First,I think I should explain what is the splash screen. For example, the image below is the windows store splash screen:
However,I think it is so samey. I wanna use a big image as the splash screen, such as:
But when I set the image as the splash screen, it does not fill up the screen:
I want it to be like this, the image full and centered on the screen. (I made this mock-up using Photoshop):
How can I achieve this?
You can’t avoid display of the default app start screen. It consists of some image/icon centered on the one colour surface.
What can be done is to display your own start screen, but only after the default one.
You can check it here (download the sample):
Windows startup screen is not fixed and it depends on the window size, which might be sometimes landscape sometimes portrait. So most of the window is expected to be filled with background color.
So what you ask for is impossible. You can only make the first page that is super simple (contains only that image) and ensure that it can appear as fast as possible and then run your setup code while that page is shown which would look like splash screen. Of course in that case you would set an empty image for the splash screen defined in Windows.