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I am currently writing a php website where I encountered a problem where the html link will not wrap div element properly. I have not found an answer to my problem yet, so I appreciate if someone can help me.

This is the php code I had written:

 ECHO '<a target="_blank"  href="' . $row["link"] . '">';
 ECHO '<div class="header-box">';
 ECHO '<div class="detail">';
 ECHO '<p class="title">' . $row["title"] . '</p>';
 $user_data = get_user_data($row["owner_id"]);
 ECHO '<p class="author">This article is shared by <a class="user" href="./member.php?action=profile&id='.$user_data["id"].'">' . $user_data["firstname"] . " " . $user_data["lastname"] . '</a> on '.date("d F Y", strtotime($row["posted"])).'.</p>';
 ECHO '</div>';
 ECHO '<div class="good">';
 ECHO '<p id="number">'.$row["good"].'</p>';
 ECHO '<p id="icon"><i class="fa fa-thumbs-o-up"></i>Useful</p>';
 ECHO '</div>';
 ECHO '<div class="bad">';
 ECHO '<p id="number">'.$row["bad"].'</p>';
 ECHO '<p id="icon"><i class="fa fa-thumbs-o-down"></i>Not Useful</p>';
 ECHO '</div>';
 ECHO '</div>';
 ECHO '</a>';

However, the outcome of the php code in browser are as followed:

<div class="header-box">
<a target="_blank" href=""></a>
<div class="detail">
<a target="_blank" href="">
<p class="title">5 Easy Steps to Optimize Your Images in Photoshop</p>
<p class="author"><a target="_blank" href="">This article is shared by </a><a class="user" href="./member.php?action=profile&amp;id=2">demoname demo</a> on 01 January 1970.</p>
<div class="good"><p id="number">1</p><p id="icon"><i class="fa fa-thumbs-o-up"></i>Useful</p></div>
<div class="bad"><p id="number">2333</p><p id="icon"><i class="fa fa-thumbs-o-down"></i>Not Useful</p>

I am getting a little bit frustrated trying to fix the problem because I can’t figure out what is going wrong? The other part of code written with html link wrapping the div are working fine. Can anyone help me out? Thanks.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    So the question was solved by Rick Hitchcock for pointing out my nesting issue.

    So the answer is not nesting an tag within another tag.

  2. Why are you using pure PHP for this? Its not necessary?

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  3. After seeing the refactored code, I realized you have a link inside another link. The browser doesn’t know what to do with this, so it closes them both down as small as they can.

    Try using html inside your .php file, and just using tags where you have to use php. For Example:

    close the php with a ?>, then open it each time you need it by wrapping your code in

    <?php //php code goes here ?>

    Here’s your code refactored:

    <a target="_blank"  href="<?php echo $row["link"] ?>">
    <div class="header-box">
        <div class="detail">
            <p class="title"><?php echo $row["title"] ?></p>
            <?php $user_data = get_user_data($row["owner_id"]); ?>
             <p class="author">This article is shared by <a class="user" href="./member.php?action=profile&id=<?php echo $user_data["id"] ?>"><?php echo $user_data["firstname"] ?> <?php echo $user_data["lastname"] ?></a> on <?php echo date("d F Y", strtotime($row["posted"])) ?></p>
        <div class="good">
            <p id="number"><?php echo $row["good"] ?></p>
            <p id="icon"><i class="fa fa-thumbs-o-up"></i>Useful</p>
        <div class="bad">
            <p id="number"><?php echo $row["bad"] ?></p>
            <p id="icon"><i class="fa fa-thumbs-o-down"></i>Not Useful</p>
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