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I am trying to create a table using the arrays for a program outline for school. How do I make the second array (num) line up next the course title. Right now it is just stacking below them in the same column….


var titl = ["Oral Communication","Applications/Concepts","SQL Programming","HTML and Dreamweaver","Javascript","Flash","XML","Cascading Style Sheets","XSL","ASP.NET","PHP/MySQL","Windows Operating Systems","Digital Imaging with Photoshop","Web Development Internship"];
var num = ["ENG171","CIT110","CIT236","CMT111","CMT113","CMT115","CMT117","CMT125","CMT211-see note*","CMT215","CMT241","CIT268","VMA105","CMT299"];

document.write('<tr><th>Web Development Concentration Courses</th></tr>');

for (var i = 0; i < titl.length; i++)
    document.write('<tr><td>' + titl[i] + '</td></tr>');

for (var j = 0; j < num.length; j++)
    document.write('<tr><td>' + num[j] + '</td></tr>');




  1. You cannot split things when you are constructing HTML. Also, please do not use document.write, as it is dangerous.

    Also, the main solution is to combine the loops. I am doing it by checking the lengths of the two arrays to be same:

    var titl = ["Oral Communication", "Applications/Concepts", "SQL Programming", "HTML and Dreamweaver", "Javascript", "Flash", "XML", "Cascading Style Sheets", "XSL", "ASP.NET", "PHP/MySQL", "Windows Operating Systems", "Digital Imaging with Photoshop", "Web Development Internship"];
    var num = ["ENG171", "CIT110", "CIT236", "CMT111", "CMT113", "CMT115", "CMT117", "CMT125", "CMT211-see note*", "CMT215", "CMT241", "CIT268", "VMA105", "CMT299"];
    var finalHTML = '<table>';
    finalHTML += '<tr><th>Web Development Concentration Courses</th></tr>';
    if (titl.length == num.length)
        for (var i = 0; i < titl.length; i++) {
          finalHTML += '<tr><td>' + titl[i] + '</td><td>' + num[i] + '</td></tr>';
    finalHTML += '</table>';
    document.getElementById("container").innerHTML = finalHTML;
    <div id="container"></div>



    Also, giving the <th> a colspan="2" will give you better results:

    finalHTML += '<tr><th colspan="2">Web Development Concentration Courses</th></tr>';


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  2. Combine the two loops

    for (var i = 0, j= 0; i < titl.length || j < num.length; i++,j++)
        document.write('<tr><td>' + titl[i] + '</td> <td>' + num[i] + '</td></tr>');
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