I want to make a rectangle of squeeze from one side in Photoshop or Illustrator. Just like showing in the picture below. I am trying it in the illustrator by Effect -> Wrap -> . But there is not any one style that is like my requirement. Is there any way of doing this?
Sub draw()
Dim Doc As Object
Dim New_Path As Object
Set Doc = CreateObject("Illustrator.Application").ActiveDocument
Set New_Path = Doc.PathItems.Add
New_Path.SetEntirePath (Array(Array(100, 100), Array(100, 200), Array(120, 200), Array(120, 100)))
New_Path.Closed = True
New_Path.PathPoints(3).RightDirection = Array(110, 180)
New_Path.PathPoints(4).LeftDirection = Array(110, 120)
End Sub
This VBA Code does what you need:
In illustrator:
1) Group the objects you want to warp
2) Rotate them 90 degrees
3) Effects >> Warp >> Arc Upper… (Positive value = convex, negative value = concave)
4) Object >> Expand appearance
5) Rotate so it is upright again.