Telegram Automation – Telegram API
I'm working on a program, it's mission is that we define some number for it (some of our mobile numbers) and it should register them in Telegram, and then gets all messages that send to that number. As you may…
I'm working on a program, it's mission is that we define some number for it (some of our mobile numbers) and it should register them in Telegram, and then gets all messages that send to that number. As you may…
Users sign up in my platform from the mobile app (Android & iOS). Once they have completed a form, I do a RESTful call to my server with the username and password and an API key. I assume that…
I want to get a Tweets list using GET statuses/home_timeline. My Resource URL without any additional parameters. When I send a request, I get the error Forbidden. A part of of code below public async Task<BindableCollection<Tweet>> Execute() { string uri…
I'm trying to access tweets from the past year (dating as far back as possible). I've done a lot of research and what I have found is: Referencing here, The Twitter API will only return up to 3200 tweets. Streams…
I have been trying to get a list of all current active products after a s**t load of research and practice I managed to get together a script which will list the information I require which is stock available and…
I understand the Twitter REST API has strict request limits (few hundred times per 15 minutes), and that the streaming API is sometimes better for retrieving live data. My question is, what exactly are the streaming API limits? Twitter references…
Greeting Export problem of program Tlsharp! I'm using Tlsharp source messaging app telegram via api's not true. It was the most perfect program if I am wrong I'm grateful that you introduced. I did everything I could run this program…
I wants to learn to use the telegram apis, but I not found a some tutorial which help me to start. I am very lost. Help;
I started using TLSharp in C# for Telegram. When I'm authenticating the user with this function: public async Task AuthUser() { var store = new FileSessionStore(); var client = new TelegramClient(store, "session"); await client.Connect(); var hash = await client.SendCodeRequest(NumberToAuthenticate); var…
Is this possible to send message to phone number not @username using telegram bot? If answer is No, I have to say I have telegram account without @username and several days ago I got message from a Bot, how this…