Twitter bootstrap – Hide a row if value returned is empty
I feel a little stupid asking this question but for some reason I cant for the life of me think on how to do what I want. I have a <div class="row"> which has my field label and field in…
I feel a little stupid asking this question but for some reason I cant for the life of me think on how to do what I want. I have a <div class="row"> which has my field label and field in…
I have two columns in my WP site. One has text/content the other a background image. Both are relatively positioned and the heights are unknown. HTML (using twitter - bootstrap 3 markup ) <article> <div id="...removed php code "> <div…
As per this question I have found some code that will display all the Sundays in a given month. <?php function getSundays($y, $m) { return new DatePeriod( new DateTime("first sunday of $y-$m"), DateInterval::createFromDateString('next sunday'), new DateTime("last day of $y-$m") );…
How to increase font and editing elements sizes in free jqgrid edit and add forms so that they have same sizes as in bootstrap. Twitter bootstrap allows to create good editing elements with active element hightligh using form-group and form-control…
On several pages I saw a sidebar which scrolls with the content of the page. I do not really know how to describe it therefore I will show you the example pages: Twitter Bootstrap Sidebar The sidebar on the right.…
I am using DataTable's with dynamic content generated on page load. In table I have used bootstrap confirmation. To load it below script. $( document ).ajaxStop(function() { $(document).find('[data-toggle="confirmation"]').confirmation(); }); It opens confirmation box, but when clicking on "Yes" or "No"…
I'm trying to add a jQuery gallery to a dynamic php page that uses an AJAX menu to filter products (Magento). When a selectable menu item is released or the 'clear all' button is pushed to reload the original stack…
Hi I am working on a yii framework. I am using Twitter bootstrap and I have loaded my popups using customize ajax so that after closing they are removed from DOM. I want to prevent popup from closing when user…
I want a drop down list that will display, say first 3 items, then "See more" link, and when I click more items appended. I did searching around with Twitter Bootstrap and jquery but can't find any examples. Please help…
I got a code snippet for a date and time picker i found in this place: Date and Time Picker I didn't manage to insert it into my code normally from some reason so i just used the demo code…