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I’m currently working on a website for some school assignments.
I am using WordPress with the Divi theme.

Online I found some CSS code, which lets me add a colored line under my text. I’ve been using this on all my headings.

The CSS code for it looks like this;

    .pa-color-highlight {
    text-decoration: none;
    box-shadow: inset 0 -.4em 0 rgba(48, 227, 255, 1);
    color: inherit;

To add this to my heading, I used some HTML code;

<h2><span class="pa-color-highlight">Background</span></h2>

My problem is that I have to manually add this HTML code everytime I want to use a heading. Simply converting my text to ‘H2’ in standard text editor ignores this CSS class.
I was wondering if there was a way to automatically add this CSS class to all (H2) headings, sitewide. Is there a simple solution for it? If so that would be a great help!

I’ve already tried adding the highlight CSS to the heading directly using CSS, but that looks like this:

h2 {
    text-decoration: none;
    box-shadow: inset 0 -.4em 0 rgba(48, 227, 255, 1);
    color: inherit;
    font-size: 45px;

The line fills the whole text field, instead of just underlining the text itself. If there’s a simpler solution for this issue than the other thing, I would be more than happy!

Thanks for your time.



  1. You’re applying CSS properties to all of h2 and h2 is a wide box containing the text which is span element.
    So just change the last part of code from h2 to span

    span {
        text-decoration: none;
        box-shadow: inset 0 -.4em 0 rgba(48, 227, 255, 1);
        color: inherit;
        font-size: 45px;
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  2. I assume the display: table should meet your needs:

    h2 {
        text-decoration: none;
        box-shadow: inset 0 -.4em 0 rgba(48, 227, 255, 1);
        color: inherit;
        display: table;

    H2 with display: table

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  3. I’m assuming you didn’t understand my previous comment so this is an explanation.
    The tag header is not just the text its a full box of width:auto as you can see in the image above (second background).
    In the code you sent you’re giving the underline effect "box-shadow" to the header h2 which will as explained gives it to the whole box. The text you have written inside h2 are inside a span tag which will only cover the text not the whole box, so giving the effect to only the span tag will fix your problem, and about other h2 tags not getting underline, is because you switched the effect to span, so you have to also put the other h2 inside a span.
    And since you want to add h3 with different properties, the optimal way to do it is add span to all headers + add class name or id for h2 different than h3 and use that class name or id to set the CSS. for example:

    <h2><span id="TextInsideH2" class="pa-color-highlight">Background</span></h2>
    <h3><span id="TextInsideH3" class="pa-color-highlight">Background</span></h3>
    #TextInsideH2{css properties here}
    #TextInsideH3{different css properties here}
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  4. As previously said, skip the span part and apply it directly to the h2. Header elements are block level by default which is why you see the background/fat underline stretch across the whole parent element. You’ll have to add display:inline-block;, display:inline-flex; or display:table; for example to have the underline only covering the width of the h2 text though:

    h2 {
      text-decoration: none;
      box-shadow: inset 0 -.4em 0 rgba(48, 227, 255, 1);
      color: inherit;

    Not knowing how the rest of how your markup looks, this should work as a solution for you.
    If you want to dig deeper, you can get this effect with pseudo elements. That will give you even better control over how you want that line/background to look. Here’s an example:

    h2 {
    h2::before {
      background:linear-gradient(to bottom, rgb(48, 227, 255), rgba(32, 160, 255));
    <p>A paragraph</p>

    Here’s some more info what pseudo classes can do: CSS-tricks

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  5. If you are using WordPress with DIVI Theme installed you don’t have to add Any css code as Divi has all functionality to manage such design aspects.

    Just open setting of your text module and Navigate to "Design Tab"

    For more information check our tutorial at Tech Gigs

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