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I’m working on a project with ARKit and I’m trying to do a perspective correction of the ARFrame.capturedImage to orient a piece of paper sitting on a detected plane so I can feed that into a CoreML model which expects images to be taken from directly overhead.

ARKit gives me the device orientation relative to the plane (ARCamera.transform, ARCamera.eulerAngles, and ARCamera.projectionMatrix all look promising).

So I have the orientation of the camera (and I know the plane is horizontal since that’s all ARKit detects right now).. but I can’t quite figure out how to create a GLKMatrix4 that will perform the correct perspective correction.

Originally I thought it would be as easy as transforming by the inverse of ARCamera.projectionMatrix but that doesn’t appear to work at all; I’m not entirely sure what that matrix is describing.. it doesn’t seem to change much based on the device orientation.

I’ve tried creating my own matrix using GLKMatrix4Rotate and the roll/pitch/yaw but that didn’t work.. I couldn’t even get it working with a single axis of rotation.

I found GLKMatrix4MakePerspective, GLKMatrix4MakeOrtho, and GLKMatrix4MakeFrustum which seem to do perspective transforms but I can’t figure out how to take the information I have and translate it to the inputs of those functions to make the proper perspective transformation.

As an example to better explain what I’m trying to do, I used the Perspective Warp tool in Photoshop to transform an example image; what I want to know is how to come up with a matrix that will perform a similar transform given the info I have about the scene.

enter image description here



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    I ended up using iOS11 Vision's Rectangle Detection and then feeding it into Core Image's CIPerspectiveCorrection filter.

  2. I solved using OpenCV perspective transformation. (,

    If you’re able to get the corners of your paper in the scene (for example with an ARReferenceImage and project them in 2D), take them. Otherwise you can try to detect the corners through OpenCV directly (see from the UIImage taken from sceneView.snapshot() with sceneView of type ARSceneView. In this last case I’d suggest you to binarize first and to change the MAX_CORNERS variable in the snippet at the link above to 4 (the 4 corners of your paper).

    Then create a new cv::Mat with width and height of your choice respecting the proportion width and height of your paper and do perspective transform. For a guideline of this last paragraph, take a look at the section “Perspective Correction using Homography” at this link: Succintly: you ask opencv to find an appropriate transform to project your prospected paper points into a perfectly rectangular plane (your new cv::Mat)

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