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Have to add different text over an image. The texts are in the table. There are about 10,000. How can I automate this process? Maybe script for Photoshop? Or something else?
Thank you in advance!



  1. Indesign, data merge works on both text and image.

    There is a variable function in photoshop check this tutorial

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  2. I would recommend ImageMagick. It is most simply installed on macOS with homebrew, just:

    brew install imagemagick

    Then if your table looks like this in table.csv

    base1.png,180,100,result1.png,I have a dream
    base2.png,20,90,result2.png,Four score and seven years ago
    base3.png,50,180,result3.png,Gonna build me a wall

    You would do the following in bash in the Terminal:

    while IFS=, read base x y result text; do
       echo DEBUG: $base $x $y $result $text
       convert "$base" -pointsize 18 -annotate +${x}+${y} "$text" "$result"
    done < table.csv

    And you would get this:

    enter image description here
    enter image description here
    enter image description here

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