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I know there exist quite a lot of script out there to do such tasks, but I couldn’t find any that can do what I am specifically searching for…

I am looking for a script that could read all files I have in a folder, separate all “_” and put them into subfolders.

The structure of the filenames look like this:


The script would then create subfolders with this structure:


I am asking this because I couldn’t find any photoshop script to export nested groups in photoshop… So I’m exporting all the layers into a folder and would like to create the nested folder structure with a batch or something like that.

Thanks for your answers !


In pseudo-code it would look like this:

InitialName = Clothes_Man_Citizen_Pants.png;
TempName = Clothes_Man_Citizen_Pants.png;

While (There is an underscore in TempName) {
    -> Read name until underscore
    -> Create folder with name
    -> Get into created folder
    -> Remove part from TempName
    -> Repeat

When there are no underscores anymore in TempName paste the file with InitialName in the last created folder.



  1. @echo off
        setlocal enableextensions disabledelayedexpansion
        for %%a in (*.png) do (
            rem Retrieve file name and extension
            set "fileName=%%~nxa"
            rem Prepare the folder from filename
            rem Filenames not splitted by underscores will be skipped
            setlocal enabledelayedexpansion 
            for %%b in ("::!fileName:_=!") do endlocal & if not "%%~pb"=="" %"% ( set "folder=%%~pb" ) else ( set "folder=" ) 
            rem If we have a target folder, ...
            if defined folder (
                rem We need a mask to move all the files in a folder in one command
                rem First remove leading and trailing backslashes
                setlocal enabledelayedexpansion 
                for %%b in ("!folder:~1,-1!") do endlocal & set "mask=%%~b"
                rem Now replace backslashes with underscores and add wildcard and extension
                setlocal enabledelayedexpansion 
                for %%b in ("!mask:=_!") do endlocal & set "mask=%%~b_*.png"
                rem Create the target folder and move the files 
                setlocal enabledelayedexpansion 
                if not exist ".!folder!" md ".!folder!"
                move /y "!mask!" ".!folder!" 

    This takes the file name, replaces the underscores into backslashes and uses the generated string as a folder hierarchy to do all the operations.

    The setlocal / endlocal are needed to handle the posibility of exclamations (!) in the name/path of files. If it will never be the case, delayed expansion (needed in the code) can be enabled from the start and the previous code can be reduced to

    @echo off
        setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
        for %%a in (*.png) do (
            set "fileName=%%~nxa"
            for %%b in ("::!fileName:_=!") do if not "%%~pb"=="" %"% ( set "folder=%%~pb" ) else ( set "folder=" )
            if defined folder (
                set "mask=!folder:~1,-1!"
                set "mask=!mask:=_!_*.png"
                if not exist ".!folder!" md ".!folder!"
                move /y "!mask!" ".!folder!" 

    note: in both codes you can find %"%, that is not needed. It is included only to correct the syntax hightlighting that fails because the "" in the code.

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  2. Try this:

    EDIT: The original code had a bug. It is fixed now…

    @echo off
    setlocal EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion
    for %%a in (*.png) do (
       set "filename=%%a"
       for %%b in (!filename:_= !) do set "lastPart=%%b"
       for %%b in (!lastPart!) do set "filename=!filename:_%%b=!"
       md "!filename:_=!" 2> NUL
       move "%%a" "!filename:_=!"

    This method will fail if the file names may include spaces, comma or semicolon. It also remove exclamation marks.

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