I have an image in Photoshop that i would like to turn into a navigation graph. I need the individual pieces to be buttons but i do not want to cut out every single piece and re position it in html and css. Is there a way to take an image and designate a part of it to a certain link then do the same to the others without taking the image apart? I have adobe Photoshop cs6 so i do have flexibility in terms of editing.
Thanks so much for any help i have been stuck with this problem for days.
Here is a link to the image: http://picpaste.com/TheBestThingEver-DcyjrkW8.jpg
tags in html will let you accomplish this. An example is at this link http://www.htmlcodetutorial.com/images/images_famsupp_220.htmlYou can use an image map.
Concept: http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_area.asp
HowTo: http://www.graphics.com/article-old/creating-web-page-mockups-and-image-maps-photoshop