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I am copying from a site which puts its address in right down corner of the images .
But i want to crop or delete the address and replace it with my own watermark.
But i want to crop or delete the address and replace it with my own watermark.
i want to do this for bulk of images .

Is there any way that i can do this with Multiple images.

For example 20 image .

I’m already can do re size bulk images and water mark multiple images

But cropping some special place in every images is my question.

certain position in a photo should be deleted and replaced



  1. @Greatone, you will have to use the ACTIONS feature of PS to accomplish this. However, to do your specific task, you will need all the images to have a common dimension, either they should all have the same height or the same width. Are your images like that?

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  2. I would use ImageMagick which is installed on most Linux distros, and can be installed on OS X using homebrew and can also be downloaded for Windows from here.

    Say you have an original image like this:

    enter image description here

    and you have a watermark saved in a file called watermark.png you can do this:

    convert image.jpg -gravity southeast watermark.png -composite result.jpg

    which wil give you this:

    enter image description here

    As regards batching the commands, you don’t say what OS you are using, but if it is OSX, you would do something like this in Terminal:

    mkdir watermarked
    for f in *.jpg; do convert "$f" -gravity southeast watermark.png -composite watermarked/"$f"; done

    If you are on Windows, you will need to use the mad Windows FOR loop syntax, which is something like

    md watermarked
    FOR %A IN (*.jpg) DO convert %A -gravity southeast watermark.png -composite watermarked/%A
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  3. I would recommend photoshop because you can create actions using photoshop and for that you only need to do the task just once very neatly and precisely. So just record action while performing the task once, assign shortcut and complete your task easily and in no time.

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