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I am trying to run a jsx script that will load an image, unlock the layer, use the "Remove Background" quick action, and save the image as a PNG. How do you trigger "Remove Background" quick action in scripts?

I have read through Adobe’s JavaScript documentation and don’t see anything about Quick Actions. I also read this post about triggering actions but did not see the "Remove Background" ATN file. I image is would look something like this:


Is running the Remove Background quick action through scripts possible, and if so how do you do it?



  1. You can execute an action with a script by using the following:

    play_action("my action","my action Set");
    function play_action(actionName, actionSetName)
            alert(eek + "nAction not triggered");

    Where "my action",is the name of your action as a string – "remove background" and "my action Set" is the folder/ set in which it is in.

    To remove a background simply search for the layer that has the flag isBackgroundlayer

    // call the source document
    var srcDoc = app.activeDocument;
    var b = srcDoc.layers.length -1;
    // search for background layer
    if (srcDoc.layers[b].isBackgroundLayer == true)
      alert("No background layer found");
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  2. I know this is an old thread, but I found a solution described on Instructables and hosted at GitHub, which does work. This is not my solution but I have successfully used it.

    The action that you use to remove the background seems to be a compound action in which you select the subject using something labeled "autoCutout" and then invert the selection. I don’t have enough knowledge to tell you anything more, other than that it works.

    Warning: Photoshop did crash while I was using this.

    Links here:

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