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I have an image like below. It has black border/regions in the top and right side of the image. I want to be able to find these regions like shown in the 2nd images. Note these regions should be always streight (ie rectangle shaped). I want to be able to do this using ‘image processing with code not with photoshop’ (such as matlab, c# or opencv).

 Input image

 output image

I am very new to ‘image process’. I have tried to find all the pionts that have (0,0,0) rgb values. But because there are so many of these black values in the noise part (and any other places in the images). My result region also contains these unwanted region….

———- Edit —————
Thanks for all the comments/answers. However, I have lots of these images. Some of them are rotated, which is a bit more difficult to deal with. I have just uploaded one as shown below.

enter image description here



  1. Using Python2.7 + OpenCV3. The idea is to keep only non-zero rows and columns. The code follows.

    import cv2
    import numpy as np
    #Read in the image
    arr = np.array(cv2.imread('image.jpg'))
    #Convert to grayscale
    gray = np.sum(arr, axis=2)
    print gray.shape #(496, 1536)
    filter_row = np.sum(gray,axis=1)!=0
    # Assuming first few values are all False, find index of first True, and set all values True after that 
    filter_row[list(filter_row).index(True):,] = True
    # Keep only non-zero rows
    horiz = gray[filter_row,:]
    filter_column = np.sum(gray,axis=0)!=0
    # Assuming first few values are all False, find index of first False, and set all values True before that 
    filter_column[:list(filter_column).index(False),] = True
    # Keep only non-zero columns
    vert = horiz[:,filter_column]
    print vert.shape #(472, 1528)
    bordered = cv2.rectangle(cv2.imread('image.jpg'), (0, gray.shape[0]-vert.shape[0]), (vert.shape[1],gray.shape[0] ), (255,0,0), 2)
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  2. color_img = imread('0k4Kh.jpg');
    img = rgb2gray(color_img);
    [x, y] = size(img);
    for i = 1:x
        if length(find(img(i, :))) ~= 0
            lastmarginalrow = i-1;
    for ii = y:-1:1
        if length(find(img(:, ii))) ~= 0
            lastmarginalcol = ii-1;
    fig = imshow(color_img);
    h = impoly(gca, [0,x; lastmarginalcol,x; lastmarginalcol,lastmarginalrow; 0,lastmarginalrow]);
    api = iptgetapi(h);
    saveas(fig, 'test.jpg');
    close all;

    Here is the implementation in MATLAB. Find zeros column and zeros row and draw a border using them.

    For Rotated Images (should work for non-rotated also)

    color_img = imread('N6vK9.png');
    img = rgb2gray(color_img);
    [x, y] = size(img);
    verts = [];
    % traversing through all columns
    for i = 1:y
        % find all non-zero pixels in each column
        nonzeros = find(img(:,i));
        % if all pixels are black in a column, below if condition will skip
        if length(nonzeros) ~= 0
            % if there is atleast one non-zero pixel, not that co-oridinate/positions in matrix by appending
            verts = [i, nonzeros(1); verts];
    fig = imshow(color_img);
    % polygon based on first and last vertix/co-ordinate of found non-zero co-ordinates
    % Assumed that it was slanted straight line, used last and first co-ordinate. If it is curvy border, anyways we have all veritices/co-ordinates of first non-zero pixel in all columns.
    h = impoly(gca, [verts(1,:); verts(length(verts), :); 1,x; verts(1),x]);
    api = iptgetapi(h);
    saveas(fig, 'test.jpg');
    close all;

    enter image description here

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