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I cannot find any option in preferences that can hide this annoying signs. I am coding Photoshop Script and errors detection works absolutely incorrect here. Any ideas how to disable it? It appeared in new Brackets version.

Unwanted error icons



  1. Open Preferences and append

    "debug": false

    to defaultPreferences.json. This disables debugging.

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  2. Dude, try this one.

    1. Click the “Debug” on the menu bar.
    2. Click the “Open Preferences File”.
    3. try to add “linting.enabled” to bracket.json and set it to false. just like this. "linting.enabled": false. 🙂
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  3. I tried the above answer, and it I had no success.
    But, I did notice this little line in the brackets.json file.

    "brackets-eslint.gutterMarks": true

    Setting it to false did the trick for me!


    Here are some clearer instructions.

    1. Open “Debug” menu
    2. Click on “Open Preferences File”
    3. In “brackets.json” set “brackets-eslint.gutterMarks” to false
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  4. In my case, when opening the brackets.json file, the linting.enabled option was not found. Simply add it and put it in false to remove the error icons.

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  5. This is an updated answer to the original question after doing all the things previously suggested in the answer thread that all unfortunately failed to get rid of the annoying red x’s and its probably due to being on a newer build of Brackets.

    I removed them by:

    File> Extension Manager…> Default > ESLint > Disable

    Brackets Release 1.14 build 1.14.2-17770 (release-1.14.2 f71f00acc)
    build timestamp: Tue Mar 31 2020 00:50:40 GMT-0700

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