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I need to save a tiff image with 4 channels, specifically R,G,B and A channels.

When I try using to save a tiff with 4 channels, the resulting image is an RGBA image but when examining the tiff in Photoshop the only channels are RGB, without the Alpha. Is there any way to merge 4 channels to a RGBA image, with a 4th channel (a separate alpha channel)?

Below is an example of what I’ve tried

from PIL import Image

# import image A
inputImageA =

# import image B
inputImageB =

# split channels
R, G, B, A = inputImageA.split()
alpha_channel = inputImageA.split()[-1]

# merge 4 channels back into a single image
outputImage = Image.merge("RGBA", [R,G,B,alpha_channel])

# save the new image

In this example the resulting output image only has 3 channels (RGB).

Please see below image for a visual explanation of what I’m trying to do:




  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    I figured out a solution to this issue using the OpenCV2 library instead of PIL. See below how I did it:

    import cv2
    # read original image
    original = cv2.imread(original_image_path, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
    # get dimensions for resizing mask
    height, width, channels = original.shape
    # read alpha image
    alpha = cv2.imread(alpha_path)
    # resize alpha image to match original
    alpha_resized = cv2.resize(alpha, (height,width))
    # split alpha_resized into individual channels
    channels = cv2.split(alpha_resized)
    # apply to 4th channel of original
    original[:,:,3] = channels[0]
    # write new image file with alpha channel

  2. Updated Answer

    Ok, I think you mean this now:

    #!/usr/bin/env python3
    from PIL import Image
    # Open background image, ensuring RGB
    im ='start.png').convert('RGB')
    # Open alpha channel, ensuring single channel
    alpha ='alpha.png').convert('L')
    # Add that alpha channel to background image
    # Save as TIFF'result.tif')

    Which makes start.png:

    enter image description here

    plus alpha.png:

    enter image description here

    into result.tif:

    enter image description here

    Original Answer

    Here’s a simple example of creating and saving a 4 channel, RGBA TIFF:

    #!/usr/bin/env python3
    from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
    # Create RGB image full of yellow
    w, h = 640, 480
    # Create alpha channel of white i.e. opaque
    # Get drawing context to draw into alpha channel and draw black (i.e. transparent) rectangle
    d = ImageDraw.Draw(alpha)
    # Add that alpha channel to yellow image
    # Save as TIFF'result.tif')

    enter image description here

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