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You can use JavaScripts (Extended Script) out of Photoshop to automate some processes.

There is a way to call JavaScripts for Photoshop with C# with a DoJavaScriptFile() function:

//See the Adobe Photoshop Object Library on the COM
using Photoshop;

static void Main (args string[]) 
//Sample jsx path
var jsxPath = @ "C:\sample.jsx";

//Defines the object type List
var jsxArgs = new List < Object > ();
for (int i = 0; i < args. Length; + + i)
    jsxArgs.Add(args [i]);

//List containing the arguments to(jsxArgs) a c# ToArray() to convert from //the List into an array.    
app.DoJavaScriptFile(jsxPath, jsxArgs.ToArray(), Photoshop.PsJavaScriptExecutionMode.psNeverShowDebugger);


How can I access DoJavaScriptFile() using Delphi code?

The only way I can manipulate Photoshop with my Delphi application uses the RunAction() command (which is not powerful enough for my needs!):

uses ... PhotoShopTypeLibrary_TLB;
  Form1: TForm1;
  PS: IPhotoShopApplication;
  DESC: IActionDescriptor;
  Pic: IAutoPSDoc;
  AC: IActionControl;
  xi: Integer;


{$R *.dfm}

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
   PS.PlayAction('Name of Photoshop-Action');

Any ideas anybody?



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Problem solved:

     procedure TForm1.Testprocedure1Click(Sender: TObject);
         app: OleVariant;
         jsxArgs: Variant;
         app := CreateOLEObject('Photoshop.Application');  //starts PS
         app.Load(FileListBox1.FileName);   //loads a Picture...
         jsxArgs := VarArrayCreate([0,1], varVariant);
         jsxArgs[0] := 3;
         // jsxArgs[1] := ' ';  more Arguments if needed
         app.DoJavaScriptFile(EXEPath + 'jsxflattenLayersOfMe.jsx', jsxArgs, 1);  //runs a JavaScript

  2. Tried with Delphi XE and photoshop CC, when u import its tlb
    enter image description here

    there will be lots of interfaces:

      _Application = dispinterface
    function DoJavaScript(const JavaScriptCode: WideString; Arguments: OleVariant; 
                      ExecutionMode: OleVariant): WideString; dispid 1147828311;
    function DoJavaScriptFile(const JavaScriptFile: WideString; Arguments: OleVariant; 
                          ExecutionMode: OleVariant): WideString; dispid 1147823703;
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