Hello I made a spritesheet in photoshop. The process to make the spritesheet was fairly easy. The issue is when importing to Unity I get a white background and I don’t know how to remove the white background from my spreadsheet in unity. I have taken the following steps to resolve this issue
First unchecked the background in photoshop.
Second I tried to remove background from each individual image in photoshop.
But no luck can someone help.
You can select the asset and change its type to Sprites, instead of Default (in the Inspector); if you’ve already done that, how about trying .png files?
In one of the updates to Unity of last year, they removed the option to use the image transparancy as alpha when using .psd files. The option was a checkbox in the import setting of the image, which is no longer shown.
You can however use an import preset with a preset that still has this option set.
What you can do is:
Then set these values to 1:
propertyPath: m_PSDRemoveMatte
propertyPath: m_PSDShowRemoveMatteOption
Apply this preset to all your psd files inside unity.
Now, importing a .psd file should work fine with transparancies.
Note: Unity’s intent was for users to import .png files when dealing with transparancies. But I found it annoying to manually re-import all my .png files when i made changes to the .psd file.