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I’m currently working on a website for a client, and now I’m making an plan section with different versions of the product. The problem is that I don’t know how to place all the buttons 40px below the column with the biggest text in a responsive way (without position:absolute, with hidden lines of text or with margins with line-heights etc.).

Here an image from Photoshop (how I want it to be)

And an image of how it actually is in my code (the problem)

I hope you guys understand what I’m trying to say and that you can help me! I think it’s in this case not necessary to add my code, but if I’m wrong please tell me 😉 I’m very curious how you guys fix this!




  1. You are facing this problem as the height automatically adjust itself.
    To solve this problem put each content inside div tag and then adjust individual margin-bottom.

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  2. I use Zurb Foundation “Equalizer” for this sometimes, but there is another way to do it as shown below.


    Wrap the “features” text in a div container and the “ecommerce” elements in another div container.

    <div class="row">
      <div class="medium-12 columns small-text-center">
    <div class="row">
      <div class="medium-3 columns">
        <div class="product">
          <div class="features">
            <p>Solid gold plating</p>
            <p>High grade steel
          <div class="ecommerce">
            <button>Buy now</button>
            <p>Price per item</p>
            <p>Minimum order size 100 pieces</p>
      <div class="medium-3 columns">
        <div class="product">
          <div class="features">
            <p>Solid gold plating</p>
            <p>High grade steel
          <div class="ecommerce">
            <button>Buy now</button>
            <p>Price per item</p>
            <p>Minimum order size 100 pieces</p>
      <div class="medium-3 columns">
        <div class="product">
          <div class="features">
            <p>Solid gold plating</p>
            <p>High grade steel</p>
            <p>Solid gold plating</p>
          <div class="ecommerce">
            <button>Buy now</button>
            <p>Price per item</p>
            <p>Minimum order size 100 pieces</p>
      <div class="medium-3 columns">
        <div class="product">
          <div class="features">
            <p>Solid gold plating with silver and platinum edging</p>
            <p>High grade steel
          <div class="ecommerce">
            <button>Buy now</button>
            <p>Price per item</p>
            <p>Minimum order size 100 pieces</p>


    Then add a media query for larger screens (in this case, medium screens and up) with a fixed height for the “features” div container. This will allow the buttons to line up on large screens, and basic stacked blocks on small screens (responsive part):

    @media only screen and (min-width: 40.063em) {
      .features {
        height: 260px;

    Here’s my CodePen example

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  3. You need to declare a min-height in css around the top links.

        .column {
                width: 120px;
                float: left; 
                /*the following is the value you need*/

    See this link:

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