I have a pygame menu where i have drawn some buttons, which represent the level difficulty of my game. For user convenience, i have made a sprite which indicates which level-button is selected(think of it as a light green frame around the button). Now, if i have a solid color as my background, i can just fill the frame with the bg color. But i wanna have a custom image. However i am not sure how to do the deleting stuff with this image. I dont want to have to do a surface.blit(bgImage, surface.get_rect())
in every while-loop. Is there any way to tell pygame to blit just part of the image? So the end-result is still fine-looking. Here is my code when i have a color as the background
(please note that my question does not apply only to this scenario, its more of a general way as to blitting part of an image, without having to rely on cropping the image using 3rd party software like paint(net), photoshop etc.):
#class for the highlight sprite that appears when a level button is clicked
class HighLightImage(Sprite):
def __init__(self, spriteX, spriteY, width = 180, height = 60):
self.rect = pygame.Rect(spriteX, spriteY, width, height)
self.image = pygame.image.load("highlight.png")
#function to draw the highlight sprite, after deleting its older position.
def draw(self, newSpriteX, newSpriteY):
#due to technical issues the following method is using 4 dirty sprite deletions.
surface.fill(bgCol, (self.rect.x, self.rect.y, self.rect.width, 10))
surface.fill(bgCol, (self.rect.x, self.rect.y + self.rect.height-10, self.rect.width, 10))
surface.fill(bgCol, (self.rect.x, self.rect.y, 10, self.rect.height))
surface.fill(bgCol, ( self.rect.x + self.rect.width-10, self.rect.y, 10, self.rect.height))
self.rect.x = newSpriteX
self.rect.y = newSpriteY
surface.blit(self.image, self.rect)
And here is the main while-loop
def mainIntro():
#snake image
snakeImg = pygame.image.load("snakeB.png")
snakeImg = pygame.transform.scale(snakeImg, (150,200))
#highlight obj
hlObj = HighLightImage(0, 0)
#starting level = 1
levels = 1
#initial fill
intro = True
#start button
startButton = StartButton(WIDTH/2-330, HEIGHT - 150)
#Exit button
exitButton = ExitButton(WIDTH/2+110, HEIGHT - 150)
#level buttons
easyLvl = EasyLevelButton( 65, HEIGHT/2 )
midLvl = MediumLevelButton( 320, HEIGHT/2 )
hardLvl = HardLevelButton( 570, HEIGHT/2 )
surface.blit(snakeImg, (WIDTH/2-75, HEIGHT - 250))
while intro:
for ev in pygame.event.get():
# X exit event
if ev.type == QUIT:
if ev.type == MOUSEMOTION:
if ev.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
if easyLvl.clicked():
levels = 1
if midLvl.clicked():
levels = 2
if hardLvl.clicked():
levels = 4
#button exit event
elif exitButton.clicked():
elif startButton.clicked():
intro = False
#highlight frame, according to level-button chosen
if levels == 1:
hlObj.draw(easyLvl.x-10, easyLvl.y-10)
elif levels == 2:
hlObj.draw(midLvl.x-10, midLvl.y-10)
elif levels == 4:
hlObj.draw(hardLvl.x-10, hardLvl.y-10)
return levels
Finally here is an image of the end result :
P.s In the above code snippets i have not included the button classes, and the global variables like colors, width, height etc., since i dont think they are relevant with what i want to accomplice. Feel free to correct my code, and/or suggest improvements.
As @cmd said above, the
param would be a good option, but for more information, try the pygame docs or have a look at this question or try pygame.transform.chop()Try the code below: