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I am developing an android application. My designer gave me designs with font size 48PT in photoshop. For android how many DPs should I set in font size?



  1. Create dimen.xml for your solution.

    Directory will be as follow

    1. res -> values-ldpi –> dimen.xml

    2. res -> values-mdpi –> dimen.xml

    3. res -> values-hdpi –> dimen.xml

    4. res -> values-xhdpi –> dimen.xml

    5. res -> values-xxhdpi –> dimen.xml

    in that file create

    <dimen name="text_size">size in sp</dimen>

    Size will be different for all devices set that according to your layout and requirements.

    Now Give Your Textview size with


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    This site helps you to convert your values px,dp,sp,pt,etc..
    make sure you are using the right Density in the drop down.

    Your 48dp equals 107sp and 106dp

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