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I want to make a rectangle of squeeze from one side in Photoshop or Illustrator. Just like showing in the picture below. I am trying it in the illustrator by Effect -> Wrap -> . But there is not any one style that is like my requirement. Is there any way of doing this?

enter image description here



  1. This VBA Code does what you need:

    Sub draw()
    Dim Doc As Object
    Dim New_Path As Object
        Set Doc = CreateObject("Illustrator.Application").ActiveDocument
        Set New_Path = Doc.PathItems.Add
        New_Path.SetEntirePath (Array(Array(100, 100), Array(100, 200), Array(120, 200), Array(120, 100)))
        New_Path.Closed = True
        New_Path.PathPoints(3).RightDirection = Array(110, 180)
        New_Path.PathPoints(4).LeftDirection = Array(110, 120)
    End Sub
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  2. In illustrator:

    1) Group the objects you want to warp

    2) Rotate them 90 degrees

    3) Effects >> Warp >> Arc Upper… (Positive value = convex, negative value = concave)

    4) Object >> Expand appearance

    5) Rotate so it is upright again.

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