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we’re about to migrate our server to a new one and there would be a little downtime. now, how can i inform all my customers in plesk?

they had to fill out a form with an email address at first login, but how can i get them all?

thanks for any advise!



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    I found a way to get all the email addresses of my clients.

    In the mysql database, there is a database called psa and there is a table called clients. In this table are all clients and there is a column called email, so i exported the result of:

    SELECT email FROM clients WHERE email LIKE "%@%";

    To get all email addresses of all domains is a difficulter:

    SELECT CONCAT(a.mail_name, "@", AS email FROM mail AS a LEFT JOIN domains AS b ON a.dom_id =;

    Hope this helps others with Plesk version < 10.

  2. You may need to send email to only active domains:

    SELECT CONCAT(a.mail_name, "@", AS email FROM mail AS a LEFT JOIN domains AS b ON a.dom_id = where domains.status=0;
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