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i need to create an open cart site with multi store functionality, the domain is .
I have created a subdomain ( in plesk with the same root folder of (/httpdocs)

the subdomain has the same root folder of

and i have set the parent dns zone in shopoox,com for the subdomain

the parent zone is set as

The hosting is set to no webhosting., but the domain is not accessible from Chrome.

I tried also to make an iframe forwarding and the site is displayed but the multistore functionality is not working properly.

I have mod_rewrite enabled, do i need to set something in the .htaccess, maybe?

Anyone knows what am i doing wrong?



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    I solved it, the problem was that i didn't create a dns zone for every subdomain, with the redirect didn't work.

  2. Add a filed in the client table in the database for host-url.

    After that you have to add client id in the every primary table from where stores details has been fetched.You have add a condition of client in those query.

    By this your multi store site will run with a same root folder.

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