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I am trying to create subdomains and databases using PHP in Plesk. I am looking at their API documentation, but I can’t figure out how to do both of these things, so if you could help me, it would be great!



  1. a little bit later. To create a subdomain:

    /usr/local/psa/bin/subdomain -c %subdomain% -www-root %subdomain% -php true -ssi true -d %domain%

    The database I usually create directly to MySQL with CREATE DATABASE.

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  2. There is no able to create database for subdomain, only for domain/subscription.
    Here the API request:

    <packet version="">

    where webspace-id – it’a id of domain(not a subdomain) of your subdomain.

    If you try to create db on subdomain, you will receive following response:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <packet version="">
            <errtext>This object can be created **only in a webspace**.</errtext>

    So, first of all you need to get info about parent domain of subdomain:

    <packet version="">

    Then get id of parent:

    <packet version="">

    Then create database on parent using received id.

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