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I have created some images and set some colors using photoshop and applied them to our app in android studio, but for the same hex code, colors arent same, I do not understand why this is happening. I took a screen shot of the color im working in photoshop and then opened the image in photoshop, surprisingly the color code changed, and it was same as android studio was showing and its not the actual color, I have even checked the RGB/ CMYK mode, it is in RGB mode, i even tried CMYK mode, in the both the cases the problem persists. No matter how many times i have tried, the problem persists. Please help me out



  1. It very strongly depends on device screen. I have 4 devices, and colors are different on all of them

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  2. You have to setup your color profile in photoshop, by default photoshop gives you different colors when you save for web. Check out this tutorial step by step and let me know if this fixed your problem.

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  3. I agree with Rodrigo, you should set a color workflow.

    If you are mainly working on documents viewed on the web or mobile devices :
    1) in Photoshop go to Edit>Colors Settings and set your RGB Colorspace to “sRGB”.
    2) Make sure Proof Colors is unchecked in the View menu.
    3) Make sure your document has the “sRGB” color profile attributed (can be fixed by using “Attribute color profile” or “Convert color profile” in the Edit menu).

    This should ensure color consistency across most devices and web browsers.

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