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Reading the Apple documentation it seems mandatary to use Photoshop CC 2014 or 2015 to create the parallax for icons and images for tvOS store. Is possible use another tool or we are forced to use Photoshop?



  1. You’re forced to use photoshop for now. Of course, this lsr metadata isn’t all that difficult.

    You could try generate the .lsr yourself, (mind you this is extremely painful)

    In the root directory create a json file:

          "layers": [
              "filename": "top-layer.imagestacklayer"
              "filename": "highlight-layer.imagestacklayer"
              "filename": "shadow-layer.imagestacklayer"
              "filename": "middle-layer.imagestacklayer"
              "filename": "back-layer.imagestacklayer"
          "info": {
            "version": 1,
            "author": "photoshop lsr plugin 1.1"
          "properties": {
            "canvasSize": {
              "width": 400,
              "height": 240

    Each of the “filename” values, create a directory for each of them.
    In each of the directories create another JSON file:

          "info": {
            "version": 1,
            "author": "photoshop lsr plugin 1.1"
          "properties": {
            "frame-size": {
              "width": 400,
              "height": 240
            "frame-center": {
              "x": 200,
              "y": 120

    Also nest a new directory in it called Content.imageset

    Inside this new directory implement another json file:

      "info": {
        "version": 1,
        "author": "photoshop lsr plugin 1.1"
      "images": [
          "idiom": "universal",
          "filename": "back-layer.png",
          "scale": "1x"

    Also include in this directory the .png

    So it should look something like this:
    enter image description here

    Last but not least, compress using .zip and change the file extension to .lsr

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  2. If you go to the same page on the Apple Developer site where you see Parallax Exporter, you’ll also see a download for Parallax Previewer. The description for that reads,

    If you don’t use Adobe Photoshop, you can also use Parallax Previewer to assemble the individual layers and export a layered image.

    Parallax Exporter is just a convenience for people using Photoshop, not the only way to get layered icons made.

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  3. You don’t need to deal with .lsr file at all. You just need to have separate PNG file for each layer, and construct the “App Icon – Small” with them in the asset file. Xcode even gives you a nice Parallax preview.

    Therefore, you don’t need to use PhotoShop at all. Any app that can deal with PNG files (even the Preview app of OSX) is sufficient.

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